How to draw an antenna of an arbitrary shape in an antenna toolbox?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Can I draw patch circulary polarization antenna with clipped corners?
And where can I find information about em.internal

回答(1 个)

Vishwanath Iyer
Vishwanath Iyer 2017-9-21
Hi Alexandr,
Yes, this can be modeled in Antenna Toolbox. Please take a look at this documentation page
The example titled, 'Design Circulary Polarized Patch - Truncated Corners', showcases this. The files in em.internal are not documented and are subject to change. We have formalized some the capabilities in em.internal using the a set of Shape primitives which support Boolean operations and a new pcbStack element in the catalog. These are demonstrated in the link provided above.
Hope this helps.


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