help with simulink RF blockset

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
joskem joskem
joskem joskem 2011-3-20
I'm trying to figure out how the RLCG transmission line block works. So, I have made the following model:
1) pulse generator (sample time=1e-9, pulse width=1,000 samples, period=10,000 samples) 2) real-imag to complex (the real part comes from the pulse generator, and the imaginary equals 0) 3) input port (sample time=1e-9, center frequency=1e8) 4) RLCG transmission line 5) output port 6) complex to mag-angle 7) scope to plot the mag
However, the output doesn't seem to be correct at all. What might be wrong? What sample time and center frequency should I choose?
Thank you

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