Fast low latency live data transfer

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Doctor G
Doctor G 2017-10-3
评论: Doctor G 2017-10-3
I have a .NET Assembly that is receiving live UDP data. I want to push that up to Matlab. I have used the .net event mechansim in the past, but I wonder if this is the lowest latency and least processing load. I expect about 10 or so 150 byte messages a second to need to be passed between the interface from .NET to Matlab, and then Matlab will have to do some parsing and display. So I want to minimize as much as possible the cost of carrying data across the barrier.

回答(1 个)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2017-10-3
Have you considered using Instrument Control Toolbox which has native UDP capabilities?
  1 个评论
Doctor G
Doctor G 2017-10-3
The messages are multicast and there is protocol on top of the UDP called DIS, which I also need to handle in the C# layer, so no, I would not want to use a raw UDP toolbox. I want the coordinate framework transforms, and the dead reckonging algorithms running in C#.



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