Least Squares Monte Carlo for European Options

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I am trying to compare Spectral Methods, Black Scholes analytical and Least Squares Monte Carlo for European Put options.While Spectral method gives me a range of option values with different spot prices and its the same for Black Scholes. In case of LSM, I need to define a starting spot price and thus I am not getting the whole range of values like the other two methods. Can anyone help me out with a way to do least squares monte carlo and get a similar range like the spectral methods. Below is my LSM code.
T = 1.0; % Time to maturity
r = 0.03; % Risk free interest rate
sigma = 0.2; % Volatility
K = 40; % Strike price
S0 = 36; % Underlying asset price in-the-money
%S0 = 44; % Underlying asset price out-of-money
N = 50; % number of time steps
M = 100000; % 100k price paths
k = 3; % Number of Basis Functions used for Laguerre Polyomials
dt = T/N; % value of time step
t = 0:dt:T; % time vector
% Generate stock price matrix (100k price paths)
S = ones(M, N+1);
R = exp((r - sigma^2/2)*dt+sigma*sqrt(dt)*randn(N,M));
SS = cumprod([S0*ones(1,M); R]);
S = SS';
P = max((K - S(:,N+1)),0); %payoff at time T
for i = N:-1:2
itmP = find(S(:,i)); % All paths
X = S(itmP,i); % All price paths
Y = P(itmP)*exp(-r*dt); % discounted payoffs from continuation
A = BasisFunctions(X,k); % calculates basis functions
beta = A\Y; % regression coeff
C = A * beta; % Estimated continuation value
exP = itmP(K - X>0); % Paths where strike greater than spot
P(exP) = P(exP)*exp(-r*dt); %Insert payoffs and discount back one step
u = mean(P * exp(-r*dt)); % Value of the option
opt_val(i) = u;

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