for loop only through certain elements of an array

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello all,
I would like to do this more time efficiently. Lets say I have a 4D (xn,yn,zn,N) data array and a 3D (xn,yn,zn) mask array. I would like to go through 4D array and calculate something from the numbers in the 4th dimension, but I want only elements from the mask. Is there a way of doing this more efficiently, than going through xn*yn*zn elements and checking if they are withing the mask?
This is the brute force way:
for x=1:xn
for y=1:yn
for z=1:zn
if mask(x,y,z)==1
do something with data(x,y,z,:);
Thank you.
Edit: I think I need to explain the task at hand better. The 4D data is several 3D images combined along the 4th dimension, which corresponds to certain image acquisition parameters. I want to do
f=fit(Par, data(x,y,z,:), 'exp1');
for each image voxel from the mask.
  6 个评论
Renat 2017-11-23
Wow, so simple and straightforward. Thank you, Adam and Greg. This will do it, and will make my life easier in the future!
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017-11-23
So you're doing something like this:
for k = 1 : xn*yn*zn
if mask(k)
% do something with data(x,y,z,:);
% Now need x, y, and z so need to use ind2sub().
[x, y, z] = ind2sub(size(data), k);
thisData = data(x, y, z);
Note that arrays not not normally indexed as (x, y, z) though. They're indexed (row, column, z) which is (y, x, z). So the above code just assumes that x is the row, which is fine, just realize that it's not the x as you usually think of it.


回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017-11-22
Try looping over the 4th dimension
for n = 1 : N
this3DArray = data(:,:,:,n);
dataOnlyWithInMask = this3DArray(mask); % 1-D vector.
% Now do something with dataOnlyWithInMask .
  2 个评论
Renat 2017-11-22
Please see additional information. This wont work, as I am fitting data(x,y,z,:).
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017-11-22
If it's something like a video where you have color images, and then a bunch of them over time, then you need to extract just one pixel's color channel over time. So you'd do this:
redChannelOverTime = squeeze(data(y, x, 1, :));
Note how y and x area flipped because y is rows which is the first index. I think this will provide a 1-D array along the time dimension. Then do whatever fitting you want to it.



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