Execute .m file online without an installation of matlab?

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have hosted one website with Linux shared hosting. So from server I will transfer some data in one module and want to execute that module with .m extension file on Mat lab so how can i do that?


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-11-28
You will need MATLAB Compiler or MATLAB Compiler SDK, with the Standard (Commercial) license.
If it were not shared hosting then under some circumstances it could be done with an Academic license instead.
If it was your own host then an alternative would be MATLAB Production Server, and another alternative yet would be installing MATLAB and php or perl or python code to talk to MATLAB; you would need the most expensive Networked license for this possibility, if you were giving public access.
  2 个评论
Pramod Amrutkar
Pramod Amrutkar 2017-11-28
First of all thank you very much Walter Roberson for good answer. Is there any way to execute .m file on matlab excluding your first answer.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-11-28
No, the license terms prohibit MATLAB itself from being installed on a system that you do not own (or lease), so for shared hosting you would need to have compiled the code using MATLAB Compiler or MATLAB Compiler SDK (or, I suppose, MATLAB Coder).


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