Use of soundcard in Simulink!

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
There is no proper Element in Simulink to include the soundcard of the laptop in real time. In standard Matlab there is the function autiorecorder. I would like to do the same in Simulink. In my special case it is a Realtec soundcard with interior microphone. A USB microphone could be an alternative.
  1 个评论
Jörg Bienert
Jörg Bienert 2017-12-7
Thak you very much for the answer. Unfortunately our academic license does not include the audio toolbox. I was used to work with audio in the past in a different license environment.



Nick Choi
Nick Choi 2017-12-7
The 'Audio Device Reader' block in the Audio System Toolbox would allow you to read audio from your computer's sound card. The following documentation page provides additional information on how to use this block:
Additionally, this link contains an example of how this block can be used to read audio from a computer's sound card and then write audio to the computer's speakers:

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