How to use Semilogy in MATLAB

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Cillian 2012-5-2
I want to make a graph with help of 'semilogy', the graph should display the Condition numbers grows with n.
This is my attempt so far:
for n=1:10, % loops from 1 to 10 n A=cond(n); % give us the Condition number A
semilogy(A) hold on end
grid on
When I debug my code, it results to no graph at all. I also thinking about to use 'norm', but perhaps it is already a part of the 'cond'?
Please, help me.
Regards Cillian

回答(2 个)

Thomas 2012-5-2
try saving A as a vector and move the plotting outside.
for n=1:10, % loops from 1 to 10 n
A(n)=cond(n); % give us the Condition number A
grid on

Wayne King
Wayne King 2012-5-2
Why are you using semilogy in a for loop where you are only plotting a single value for A at a time?
Save the values of A in a vector.
A(n) =
then outside the for loop


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