Hello, I am trying to generate program to measure contrast psychometric function. Can someone help?

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The code that I am using came from a book called Psychophysics: From laboratory to theory. The code is divided in three modules, the first one to set up the displays, the second is the experiment itself and the third is to reinstate the computer. The error that I am receiving when I try to run the code is:
Not enough input arguments.
Error in contrast (line 17) xmin = min(min(x));
Error in ContrastPsychometricFunction (line 52) contrast
The code is this one (please help me identify the problem):
%%%Program ContrastPsychometricFunction.m
function ContrastPsychometricFunction
%%Display Setup Module
% Define display parameters
clear all;
whichScreen = max(Screen( 'screens' ));
p.ScreenDistance = 30; % in inches
p.ScreenHeight = 15; % in inches
p.ScreenGamma = 2; % from monitor calibration
p.maxLuminance = 100; % from monitor calibration
p.ScreenBackground = 0.5;
% Open the display window, set up lookup table, and hide the
% mouse cursor
if exist( 'onCleanup' , 'class' ), oC_Obj = onCleanup(@()sca); end
% close any pre-existing PTB Screen window
% Prepare setup of imaging pipeline for onscreen window.
PsychImaging( 'PrepareConfiguration' ); % First step in starting pipeline
PsychImaging( 'AddTask' , 'General' , ...
'FloatingPoint32BitIfPossible' );
% set up a 32-bit fl oatingpoint framebuffer
PsychImaging( 'AddTask' , 'General' , ...
'NormalizedHighresColorRange' );
% normalize the color range ([0, 1] corresponds
% to [min, max])
PsychImaging( 'AddTask' , 'General' , 'EnablePseudoGrayOutput' );
% enable high gray level resolution output with
% bitstealing
PsychImaging( 'AddTask' , 'FinalFormatting' , ...
'DisplayColorCorrection' , 'SimpleGamma' );
% setup Gamma correction method using simple power
% function for all color channels
[windowPtr p.ScreenRect] = PsychImaging( 'OpenWindow' , ...
whichScreen, p.ScreenBackground);
% Finishes the setup phase for imaging pipeline
% creates an onscreen window, performs all remaining
% configuration steps
PsychColorCorrection( 'SetEncodingGamma' , windowPtr, ...
1/ p.ScreenGamma);
% set Gamma for all color channels
HideCursor; % Hide the mouse cursor
% Get frame rate and set screen font
p.ScreenFrameRate = FrameRate(windowPtr);
% get current frame rate
Screen( 'TextFont' , windowPtr, 'Times' );
% set the font for the screen to Times
Screen( 'TextSize' , windowPtr, 24); % set the font size
% for the screen to 24
%%Experimental Module
% Specify general experimental parameters
nContrast = 7; % number of contrast levels in experiment
repeats = 100; % number of trials to repeat for each
nTrials = repeats * nContrast; % compute total number of trials
p.randSeed = ClockRandSeed; % use clock to set random number generator
keys = { '1' '2' 'esc' }; % specify response keys for the two intervals and to break
% Specify the stimulus
p.stimSize = 6; % image diameter in visual degree
p.sf = 1; % spatial frequency in cycle/degree
conRange = [0.0025 0.04]; % lowest and highest tested contrasts
p.stimDuration = 0.1; % stimulus duration in seconds
p.interval = 1; % seconds between two intervals of a trial
p.ISI = 0.5; % seconds between trials
% Compute stimulus parameters
ppd = pi/180 * p.ScreenDistance / p.ScreenHeight * ...
% compute pixels per degree from
% p.ScreenDistance and p.ScreenHeight
m = round(p.stimSize * ppd /2) * 2; % stimulus size
% in pixels
fixRect = CenterRect([0 0 1 1] * 8, p.ScreenRect);
% define an 8 x 8 pixel fixation
% create another fixation stimulus of horizontal and
% vertical cross hairs outside the area of the sine wave
% pattern. Crosshairs will be displayed during display
% intervals
fixLen = 32; % length of fixation in pixels
fixXY = [[-1 0 0 1] * fixLen + [-1 -1 1 1 ] * m/2 + ...
p.ScreenRect(3)/2 [1 1 1 1]*p.ScreenRect(3)/2; ...
[1 1 1 1]*p.ScreenRect(4)/2 [-1 0 0 1] *fixLen + ...
[-1 -1 1 1 ] * m/2 + p.ScreenRect(4)/2];
p.contrasts = logspace(log10(conRange(1)), ...
log10(conRange(2)), nContrast);
% use logspace function to choose nContrast contrasts
% (7) at log intervals between the minimum and
% maximum specifi ed contrasts
sf = p.sf / ppd; % compute spatial frequency in
% cycles per pixel
tex = CreateProceduralSineGrating(windowPtr, m, m, [[1 1 1] ...
*p.ScreenBackground 0], m/2, 0.5);
% “ CreateProceduralSineGrating ” is a psychtoolbox
% function to create a procedural texture for drawing
% sine grating stimulus patches on the GPU
% Initialize a table to set up experimental conditions
p.recLabel = { 'trialIndex' 'contrastIndex' 'whichInterval' ...
'respCorrect' 'respTime' };
% labels the columns of the data recording array rec
rec = nan(nTrials, length(p.recLabel));
% matrix rec is initialized as an nTrials x 5 of NaN
rec(:, 1) = 1 : nTrials;
% initialize trial numbers from 1 to nTrials
contrastIndex = repmat(1 : nContrast, repeats, 1);
% use repmat to cycle thru contrast #s
intervalIndex = ones(size(contrastIndex)) * 2;
% first set all trials to 2nd interval
intervalIndex(1 : repeats / 2, :) = 1;
% change fi rst half to 1
[rec(:, 2) ind] = Shuffle(contrastIndex(:));
% shuffle contrast indexes to randomize
rec(:, 3) = intervalIndex(ind);
% shuffle interval indexes in the same order
% Prioritize display to optimize display timing
% Start experiment with instructions
str = sprintf( 'Press 1 or 2 for the first or second interval.\n\nPress SPACE to start.' );
DrawFormattedText(windowPtr, str, 'center' , 'center' , 1);
% Draw Instruction text string centered in window
Screen( 'Flip' , windowPtr);
% flip the text image into active buffer
WaitTill( 'space' ); % wait till space bar is pressed
Screen( 'FillOval' , windowPtr, 0, fixRect);
% create a black fi xation dot
Secs = Screen( 'Flip' , windowPtr);
% flip the fixation image into active buffer
p.start = datestr(now); % record start time
% Run nTrials trials
for i = 1 : nTrials
con = p.contrasts(rec(i, 2));
% use contrast index from rec to set contrast
% for this trial
flipSecs = Secs + p.ISI + [0 p.interval];
% define the start time of the two intervals
for j = 1 : 2 % two intervals
if rec(i, 3) == j
% draw the grating in the interval defi ned
% in rec(i,3) only
Screen( 'DrawTexture' , windowPtr, tex, [], [], ...
0, [], [], [], [], [], [180 sf con 0]);
end % draw the sine grating with phase 180,
% spatial frequency, and contrast
Screen( 'DrawLines' , windowPtr, fixXY, 3, 0.3);
% add the fixation crosshairs
t0 = Screen( 'Flip' , windowPtr, flipSecs(j));
% show the stimulus and return the time
Screen( 'Flip' , windowPtr, t0 + p.stimDuration);
% turn off the stimulus by fl ipping to
% background image after p.stimDuration secs
Screen( 'FillOval' , windowPtr, 0, fixRect);
% draw the smaller centered fixation
Screen( 'Flip' , windowPtr, t0 + 0.25 + p.stimDuration);
% show small fixation briefly to cue the
% observer to respond with the interval
[key Secs] = WaitTill(keys);
% wait for response, return key and response time
if iscellstr(key), key = key{1}; end
% take the fi rst response in case of multiple
% key presses
if strcmp(key, 'esc' ), break; end
% check if response is < escape > to stop experiment
rec(i, 4 : 5) = [str2double(key)==rec(i, 3) Secs-t0];
% record correctness and respTime
if rec(i, 4), Beeper; end % beep if correct
p.finish = datestr(now); % record fi nish time
save ContrastPsychometricFunction_rst.mat rec p;
% save the results
%%System Reinstatement Module
Priority(0); % restore priority
sca; % close display window and textures,
% and restore the original color lookup table


John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2017-12-20
The answer seems simple enough. READ THE ERROR MESSAGE! Read your own code. Did you look at line 52?
I've included lines 51 AND 52 here:
repeats = 100; % number of trials to repeat for each
So, contrast is a function on your search path. The error message told you the problem was insufficient input arguments for the function contrast. Do you see why it thinks that contrast was called, with too few arguments?
In fact, contract was called with NO input arguments at all.
But if I had to bet, the intent was to write this as one line, not two:
repeats = 100; % number of trials to repeat for each contrast
and the word contrast was intended to be part of the comment on the line above, and somebody was just very sloppy in writing the code.
When you see an error message, READ IT. What is it telling you? Think about it. Then look at that line! Error messages are generated for your use. They are not there just to take up space.

更多回答(2 个)

Caroline Alencar
Caroline Alencar 2017-12-21
编辑:Caroline Alencar 2017-12-21
Thank you very much for your time! It was really right in my face.

Vidya Manian
Vidya Manian 2018-11-8
This code is missing the 'waitTill' function. Is it available?


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