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Mean value of timeseries data in matrix form

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear all, I have very basic question, I have time series for one variable (change between -1 and +1) with the same length (about 10000 second) in a matrix form (A), I calculate the mean with this way : mean_A = mean (A), where A is a matrix (1000 X 100)but the results very strange for me.
Thanks in advance
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回答(1 个)

Birdman 2018-1-16
编辑:Birdman 2018-1-16
Actually the figure you obtain is not weird. It is an outcome of floating point number not expressed correctly in binary form, therefore it does not show as zero. Please read the following link to learn more about this situation and to learn its possible solutions.



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