my code has two problems. first ,y2 is15x1and y12 is 1x450 while the kafa gives me the result of it is possible ot give this result.the second problem is it give error while plotting the (pt,kafa).vectors must be the same length

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this is my code
  2 个评论
M 2018-1-16
编辑:M 2018-1-16
Of course it gives this error, because the vector pt is 1x450 and has not the same length as kafa.
I guess it is the way you compute kafa that is wrong, could you precise what results you expect for :
PS : you should post your code using the appropriate {}code section in your question.
Greg 2018-1-16
I've never tried vectors in the context of
kafa = 1:[1,2]:[8,9];
I can't imagine it does anything close to useful. My guess would be it chooses the first element of reach and ignores the rest.


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