this is my code and it has a problem while calculating kafa=y2/y12

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kafa=y2/y12. but it gives error.. Matrix dimensions must agree.
  4 个评论



per isakson
per isakson 2018-1-17
编辑:per isakson 2018-1-17
Error using /
Matrix dimensions must agree.
>> whos y2 y12
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
y12 1x450 3600 double
y2 15x1 120 double
  9 个评论


更多回答(2 个)

waqas muhammad
waqas muhammad 2018-1-17
bsxfun(@rdivide,A,B(:))... this can solve my problem but the number of elements in row and column are different now. so what can i do for this problem?

waqas muhammad
waqas muhammad 2018-1-17
sir, y2 is 15x1 while y12 is 450x1, kafa=y2/y12. i need the result of y2/y12. i mean, row to column division,not elementwise division. y2 has 15 rows while y12 has 450 columns. now i need to divide these 15 rows of y2 by 15 columns of y12.


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