Make vectors the same size/sampling rate.

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi! I have two vector:
accel_x: 1 x 158479 (250 frames/s)
x: 1x16379 (60 frames/s)
This vectors correspond to the same time interval, wich is length(accel_x). How can I make the vectors the same size / sampling rate? I need to plot both vectors, to see their relationship through the time.
Many thanks!
  2 个评论
Guillaume 2018-1-26
"This correspond to the same time interval"
Does it?
>>t_accell = 158479 / 250 %duration of 158479 at 250 frames/s
t_accell =
158479 frames at 250 frames/s is 633.916 seconds of sampling
>>t_x = 16379 / 60
t_x =
16379 frames at 60 frames/s is 272.983 seconds of sampling
Adam 2018-1-26
@Ines Domingos Data does not need to have the same sample rate to plot it against each other. You plot x data vs y data for each one so they can have different x data to each other if they cover a similar range, but as Guillaume comments, they do not appear to have anywhere near the same range.


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