kindly help in debugging the following code for optimization

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function [ f, g ] = problem_function( x ) D1=x(1);D2=x(2);D3=x(3);D4=x(4);D5=x(5);P1=x(6);P2=x(7);P3=x(8);P4=x(9);P5=x(10);V1=x(11);V2=x(12);V3=x(13);V4=x(14);V5=x(15); L1=2;L2=3;L3=4;L4=5;L5=6; L=[L1 L2 L3 L4 L5]; D=[D1 D2 D3 D4 D5]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Q1=V1*(3.14/4)*D1^2; Q2=V2*(3.14/4)*D2^2; Q3=V3*(3.14/4)*D3^2; Q4=V4*(3.14/4)*D4^2; Q5=V5*(3.14/4)*D5^2; % Objective functions F(X) CT=2.05*L*D'.^3; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if all(P(1:5)>=18) CPP=0; else CPP=(CT/5)*sum(18-P(1:5)); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if all(V(1:5)<=10) CPV=0; else CPV=(CT/5)*sum(V(1:5).^2-100); end %%%%%% f=CT+CPV+CPP; % Equality constraints G(X) = 0 MUST COME FIRST in g(1:me) g(1)=P1-P2-11.7*(L1*Q1^3/D1^5); g(2)=P2-P3-11.7*(L2*Q2^3/D2^5); g(3)=P3-P4-11.7*(L3*Q3^3/D3^5); g(4)=P2-P4-11.7*(L4*Q4^3/D4^5); g(5)=P4-P5-11.7*(L5*Q5^3/D5^5); g(6)= 40-Q1; g(7)=Q1-Q2-Q4; g(8)=Q2-14-Q3; g(9)=Q3+Q4-Q5;
end %%%% the result say Undefined function or variable 'P'.
Error in example>problem_function (line 82) if all(P(1:5)>=18) any helps plz.


Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford 2018-2-24
Matlab's error message is quite true - you have not defined P. Evidently you intended to have:
P = [P1 P2 P3 P4 P5];
but you did not write it!
It should be pointed out that you need not have had so many lines of code. For example, assuming x is a row vector, you could have written:
L = 2:6;
D = x(1:5);
P = x(6:10);
V = x(11:15);
Q = 3.14/4*V.*D.^2;
and so forth.
  1 个评论
adarsh 2018-2-24
i have done like this: D=x(1:5); P=x(6:10); V=x(11:15) %D1=x(1);D2=x(2);D3=x(3);D4=x(4);D5=x(5);P1=x(6);P2=x(7);P3=x(8);P4=x(9);P5=x(10);V1=x(11);V2=x(12);V3=x(13);V4=x(14);V5=x(15); L1=2;L2=3;L3=4;L4=5;L5=6; L=[L1 L2 L3 L4 L5]; D=[D1 D2 D3 D4 D5]; P=[P1 P2 P3 P4 P5]; V=[V1 V2 V3 V4 V5]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Q1=V1*(3.14/4)*D1^2; Q2=V2*(3.14/4)*D2^2; Q3=V3*(3.14/4)*D3^2; Q4=V4*(3.14/4)*D4^2; Q5=V5*(3.14/4)*D5^2; % Objective functions F(X) CT=2.05*L*D'.^3; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if all(P(1:5)>=18) CPP=0; else CPP=(CT/5)*sum(18-P(1:5)); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if all(V(1:5)<=10) CPV=0; else CPV=(CT/5)*sum(V(1:5).^2-100); end %%%%%% f=CT+CPV+CPP; % Equality constraints G(X) = 0 MUST COME FIRST in g(1:me) g(1)=P1-P2-11.7*(L1*Q1^3/D1^5); g(2)=P2-P3-11.7*(L2*Q2^3/D2^5); g(3)=P3-P4-11.7*(L3*Q3^3/D3^5); g(4)=P2-P4-11.7*(L4*Q4^3/D4^5); g(5)=P4-P5-11.7*(L5*Q5^3/D5^5); g(6)= 400-Q1; g(7)=Q1-Q2-Q4; g(8)=Q2-14-Q3; g(9)=Q3+Q4-Q5;
end %%%%% 1. But now in the results it says : Undefined function or variable 'D1'.
Error in example>problem_function (line 75) D=[D1 D2 D3 D4 D5];


更多回答(1 个)

Munna 2024-7-11
function [M,V,G,F]= fcn(t,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,qd1,qd2,qd3,qd4,qd5)


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