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how to use simulink commuity?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Chao Hu
Chao Hu 2018-3-1
关闭: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021-8-20
1, simulink community how to declare and use; 2, simulink model 1 defined in the structure of data types (such as struct cmd) and simulink model 2 in the direct call; 3, simulink whether to support 64-bit data types; 4, simulink state machine (classical state machine jump) automatically generate code often prompts internal errors; 5, simulink model 1 defined in the autosar interface type how to use directly in simulink model 2; 6, simulink autosar interface type supports multi-level structure nested; 7, autosar properties-> XML Options in the package What is the realization of the specific function, in particular, how to use additonal package, which simulink description file import AAT tools have any effect, how to configure autosar properties-> XML Options is correct.

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