L1 and l2 norm
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i'm trying to find the code not the function to implement L1 and L2 norm.
I'm trying to compute the L1 and L2 norm of pixels in a image to see the difference between them.
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Johnathan Schaff
编辑:Johnathan Schaff
%Matrix Norm for Matrix A
%L1 Norm
l1 = max(sum(abs(A)));
matL1 = norm(A,1);
%L2 Norm
l2 = max(svd(A));
matL2 = norm(A,2);
fprintf('L1 Norm | %g\nMATLAB L1 Norm | %g\n',l1,matL1);
fprintf('L2 Norm | %g\nMATLAB L2 Norm | %g\n',l2,matL2);
%Vector Norm for Vector B
%L1 Norm
l1 = (sum(abs(B)));
matL1 = norm(B,1);
%L2 Norm
l2 = sqrt(sum(abs(B).^2));
matL2 = norm(B,2);
fprintf('\nL1 Norm | %g\nMATLAB L1 Norm | %g\n',l1,matL1);
fprintf('L2 Norm | %g\nMATLAB L2 Norm | %g\n',l2,matL2);
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