Error using construct_error (line 108)

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have MATLAB R2012a student edition and am running it on my MacBook Air. I have had no issues until now. I am trying to run a SIMULINK model to maintain 4 tank levels. It was running fine until I added in a User-Defined MATLAB Function block. Now when I run it I get a Build Error message from a source that is Unknown which is reported by Stateflow. The summary of the message is this: When the current directory contains a space character, it causes the generated makefiles to not work.
Please change the current directory to a different directory path that does not have a space character in its name. In the command window, I also get this message: Error using May_22_v5 (line 22) Error using construct_error (line 108) When the current directory contains a space character, it causes the generated makefiles to not work.
Please change the current directory to a different directory path that does not have a space character in its name.
I have searched how to fix this and have found that there is a possibility that there are files missing in the mex folder. I think that was right. I have uninstalled and then installed again but I still get the same issue. I purchased this from the website and have a legit licence and am fully registered to use it, so why am I missing files?? And more importantly, how do I fix it? Sam.

回答(1 个)

Frederic Terrettaz
Frederic Terrettaz 2012-11-16
Hi Sam,
When you do a new install of Matlab, you need to run again "mex -setup" to choose your favorite compiler.


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