Usage of academic licenses

14 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear All, Dear MathWorks,
I am doing my thesis at a company, where Matlab is available, although, the number of licenses are limited. Am I allowed to use my own academic license within company premises for my project? I am being employed as a intern via my university, conducting a fully academic research.
Thanks for the answer.


Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser 2018-3-28
编辑:Andreas Goser 2018-3-28
David, I can tell you only about one item being clearly not OK:
It is not allowed to install and activitate the academic license on a computer owned by the company.
That does however not allow a conclusion about whether you can use MATLAB on your own machine within the company / company's network, at is related to the nature of your work. I suggest you contact the MathWorks sales representative of either the university or the company to get guidance.
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-3-28
Note that the matter here has to do with ownership, not with location. It would be valid for your university to provide the computer for use at the company.
Ownership would have to continue to be the university for the duration -- which would mean, for example, that in cases of policy clashes (such as privacy policy) between the university and the company, that the university policy would have to be given priority.
Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser 2018-3-28
I contacted the sales person of the university and he will reach out to David with some tips


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