Creating Embedded Device Drivers for Simulink
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I am in a trouble. I need to make my owm device drivers for an embedded microcontroller.
For start point I am working with the provided example of an ADC driver, this example is located under "toolbox\rtw\targets\common\examples\ADC_driver_example" under Matlab root folder.
In this example, you can compile the provided ADC_Examp.c in order to obtain the required mex file. Also you can implement an S-function with the previous mex file and use the provided .tlc file to obtain a good C code during code generation process.
The problem starts when I try to modify the ADC_Examp.c to reduce and change the number of parameters, I want to use only two parameters, an uint_8 value and the sample time, the modified ADC_Examp.c compiles well into a mex file, also the S-function recognizes the two variables, but you cannot do an update diagram, because Matlab crashes with an error during mdl_initialize sizes evaluation.
I understand almost all TLC sintax, but probably not all the entice C-mex function, but I think it only lacks some minor changes.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Modified ACD_Examp.C :
* ADC_examp C-MEX S-function for HC12 Analog to Digital Converter
* supporting vectored signals.
* Copyright 2002-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
* $Revision: $
* $Date: 2004/04/19 01:21:32 $
* Required setup for C MEX S-Function *
#define S_FUNCTION_NAME ADC_examp
/* define error messages */
"Invalid call to mdlSetInputPortDataType"
"Invalid call to mdlSetOutputPortDataType"
#define ERR_INVALID_DTYPE "Invalid input or output port data type"
* General Defines/macros *
* Need to include simstruc.h for the definition of the SimStruct and
* its associated macro definitions.
#include "simstruc.h"
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
/* Total number of block parameters */
#define N_PAR 2
* CHANNELARRAY_ARG - Array of ADC channels (one or more values between 0 and 7)
* Signal width is also determined from this list
* SAMPLETIME(S) - Sample time
% ATDBANK(S) - Bank 0, or Bank 1. Each bank provides 8 channels.
* USE10BITS(S) - If (USE10BITS_ARGC==1), use 10-bits of ADC resolution
* otherwise, use 8-bits ADC resolution
* LEFTJUSTIFY(S) - If (LEFTJUSTIFY_ARGC==1), left justify the result in
* 16-bit word. Else, use right justification (default)
#define ATDBANK(S) (mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S,ATDBANK_ARGC)))
//#define USE10BITS(S) (mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S,USE10BITS_ARGC)))
//#define LEFTJUSTIFY(S) (mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S,LEFTJUSTIFY_ARGC)))
#define SAMPLETIME(S) (mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S,SAMPLETIME_ARGC)))
/* Function: mdlInitializeSizes ===============================================
* Abstract:
* Initialize the sizes array
static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S)
// const unsigned int *paramPtr = mxGetData( CHANNELARRAY_ARG(S) );
// int nChannels;
/* Set and Check parameter count */
ssSetNumSFcnParams(S, N_PAR);
if (ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) != ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)) return;
ssSetSFcnParamNotTunable(S, 0);
ssSetSFcnParamNotTunable(S, 1);
//ssSetSFcnParamNotTunable(S, 2);
//ssSetSFcnParamNotTunable(S, 3);
//ssSetSFcnParamNotTunable(S, 4);
//nChannels = mxGetNumberOfElements( CHANNELARRAY_ARG(S) );
/* Single input port of width equal to nChannels */
if ( !ssSetNumInputPorts( S, 1 ) ) return;
ssSetInputPortWidth( S, 0, 1 );
/* Single output port of width equal to nChannels */
if ( !ssSetNumOutputPorts( S, 1 ) ) return;
ssSetOutputPortWidth( S, 0, 1 );
/* Set datatypes on input and output ports relative
* to users choice of 8-, or, 10-bit resolution.
// if (USE10BITS(S))
// {
* Input and output datatypes are uint16
* when using 10-bit ADC resolution
ssSetInputPortDataType( S, 0, SS_UINT16 );
ssSetOutputPortDataType( S, 0, SS_UINT16 );
// } else {
// /*
// * Input and output datatypes are uint8
// * when using 8-bit ADC resolution
// */
// ssSetInputPortDataType( S, 0, SS_UINT8 );
// ssSetOutputPortDataType( S, 0, SS_UINT8 );
// }
ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough( S, 0, TRUE );
/* sample times */
ssSetNumSampleTimes( S, 1 );
/* options */
} /* end mdlInitializeSizes */
/* Function: mdlInitializeSampleTimes =========================================
* Abstract:
* Initialize the sample times array.
static void mdlInitializeSampleTimes(SimStruct *S)
ssSetSampleTime( S, 0, SAMPLETIME(S) );
} /* end mdlInitializeSampleTimes */
/* Function: mdlOutputs =======================================================
* Abstract:
* Compute the outputs of the S-function.
*///I never use this in Simulation, only the outputs from the TLC file are useful
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
* Get "uPtrs" for input port 0 and 1.
* uPtrs is essentially a vector of pointers because the input signal may
* not be contiguous.
DTypeId y0DataType; /* SS_UINT8 or SS_UINT16 */
int_T y0Width = ssGetOutputPortWidth(S, 0);
InputPtrsType u0Ptrs = ssGetInputPortSignalPtrs(S,0);
* Get data type Identifier for output port 0.
* This matches the data type ID for input port 0.
y0DataType = ssGetOutputPortDataType(S, 0);
* Set output signals equal to input signals
* for either 16 bit, or 8 bit signals.
switch (y0DataType)
case SS_UINT8:
uint8_T *pY0 = (uint8_T *)ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,0);
InputUInt8PtrsType pU0 = (InputUInt8PtrsType)u0Ptrs;
int i;
/* Set all outputs equal to inputs */
for( i = 0; i < y0Width; ++i){
pY0[i] = *pU0[i];
/* For 8-bit ADC results, left-justify is ignored. */
case SS_UINT16:
uint16_T *pY0 = (uint16_T *)ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,0);
InputUInt16PtrsType pU0 = (InputUInt16PtrsType)u0Ptrs;
int i;
for( i = 0; i < y0Width; ++i){
/* Set all outputs equal to inputs */
pY0[i] = *pU0[i];
} /* end switch (y0DataType) */
} /* end mdlOutputs */
/* Function: mdlTerminate =====================================================
* Abstract:
* Called when the simulation is terminated.
static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S)
} /* end mdlTerminate */
/* Function: mdlStart =====================================================
* Abstract:
* Called when the simulation is started.
#define MDL_START /* Change to #undef to remove function */
#if defined(MDL_START)
static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S)
/* During simulation, just print a message */
if (ssGetSimMode(S) == SS_SIMMODE_NORMAL) {
mexPrintf("\n ADC_examp driver: Simulating initialization\n");
}/* end mdlStart */
#endif /* MDL_START */
/* Function: isAcceptableDataType
* Determine if the data type ID corresponds to an 8 or 16 bit unsigned int
static boolean_T isAcceptableDataType(DTypeId dataType)
boolean_T isAcceptable = (dataType == SS_UINT8 ||
dataType == SS_UINT16);
return isAcceptable;
/* Function: mdlSetInputPortDataType ==========================================
* This routine is called with the candidate data type for a dynamically
* typed port. If the proposed data type is acceptable, the routine should
* go ahead and set the actual port data type using ssSetInputPortDataType.
* If the data tyoe is unacceptable an error should generated via
* ssSetErrorStatus. Note that any other dynamically typed input or
* output ports whose data types are implicitly defined by virtue of knowing
* the data type of the given port can also have their data types set via
* calls to ssSetInputPortDataType or ssSetOutputPortDataType.
static void mdlSetInputPortDataType(SimStruct *S,
int port,
DTypeId dataType)
if ( port == 0 ) {
if( isAcceptableDataType( dataType ) ) {
* Accept proposed data type if it is an unsigned integer type
* force all data ports to use this data type.
ssSetInputPortDataType( S, 0, dataType );
ssSetOutputPortDataType( S, 0, dataType );
} else {
/* Reject proposed data type */
} else {
* Should not end up here. Simulink will only call this function
* for existing input ports whose data types are unknown.
} /* mdlSetInputPortDataType */
/* Function: mdlSetOutputPortDataType =========================================
* This routine is called with the candidate data type for a dynamically
* typed port. If the proposed data type is acceptable, the routine should
* go ahead and set the actual port data type using ssSetOutputPortDataType.
* If the data tyoe is unacceptable an error should generated via
* ssSetErrorStatus. Note that any other dynamically typed input or
* output ports whose data types are implicitly defined by virtue of knowing
* the data type of the given port can also have their data types set via
* calls to ssSetInputPortDataType or ssSetOutputPortDataType.
static void mdlSetOutputPortDataType(SimStruct *S,
int port,
DTypeId dataType)
if ( port == 0 ) {
if( isAcceptableDataType( dataType ) ) {
* Accept proposed data type if it is an unsigned integer type
* force all the ports to use this data type.
ssSetInputPortDataType( S, 0, dataType );
ssSetOutputPortDataType( S, 0, dataType );
} else {
/* reject proposed data type */
} else {
* Should not end up here. Simulink will only call this function
* for existing output ports whose data types are unknown.
} /* mdlSetOutputPortDataType */
/* Function: mdlSetDefaultPortDataTypes ========================================
* This routine is called when Simulink is not able to find data type
* candidates for dynamically typed ports. This function must set the data
* type of all dynamically typed ports.
static void mdlSetDefaultPortDataTypes(SimStruct *S)
/* Set input port data type to uint8 */
ssSetInputPortDataType( S, 0, SS_UINT8 );
ssSetOutputPortDataType( S, 0, SS_UINT8 );
} /* mdlSetDefaultPortDataTypes */
#define MDL_RTW
static void mdlRTW(SimStruct *S)
uint8_T atdbank = (uint8_T) ATDBANK(S);
// uint16_T *channels = (uint16_T *) mxGetData(CHANNELARRAY_ARG(S));
// uint8_T use10BitRes = (uint8_T) USE10BITS(S);
// uint8_T leftjustify = (uint8_T) LEFTJUSTIFY(S);
/* Write out parameters for this block.*/
if (!ssWriteRTWParamSettings(S, 1,
)) { //Removed the rest of things
return; /* An error occurred which will be reported by SL */
* Enforce use of inlined S-function *
* (e.g. must have TLC file hc12_sfcn_adc_v.tlc) *
#ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE /* Is this file being compiled as a MEX-file? */
# include "simulink.c" /* MEX-file interface mechanism */
#else /* Prevent usage by RTW if TLC file is not found */
# error "Attempted use non-inlined S-function ADC_examp.c"
/* [EOF] ADC_examp.c */
Modified ADC_examp.tlc :
%%File : ADC_examp.tlc
%%$Revision: $ $Date: 2010/08/16 21:15:41 $
%%Copyright 2002-2010 The MathWorks, Inc.
Simulink Coder example device driver for HC12 ADC.
%implements ADC_examp "C"
ATDBank -- scalar
Channels -- vector
Use10BitRes -- scalar
LeftJustify -- scalar
%%Function: Start ==========================================================
Analog to Digital Converter initialization code.
%function Start(block, system) Output
/* S-Function "ADC_examp" initialization Block: %<Name> */
%%Select ATD Bank 0 or Bank 1
%assign atdBank = CAST( "Number",SFcnParamSettings.ATDBank)
TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM_TimeBaseStructure;
//Measure time in usec
/*---------------------------- TIM1 Configuration ----------------------------*/
/* Time base configuration */
RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_TIM1, ENABLE);
TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Period = 65535;
%if(atdBank<8 || atdBank>72)
TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Prescaler = 8;
TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Prescaler = %<atdBank>;
TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_ClockDivision = 0;
TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up;
TIM_TimeBaseInit(TIM1, &TIM_TimeBaseStructure);
%%Function: Outputs ==========================================================
Code generation rules for mdlOutputs function.
%function Outputs(block, system) Output
/* S-Function "ADC_examp" Block: %<Name> */
%%This isn´t the exact desired behaviour
%%but this need to work prior to do more complex things
%assign y = LibBlockOutputSignal(0, "", "",0)
%%[EOF] ADC_examp.tlc
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回答(1 个)
Kaustubha Govind
At a glance, I don't see anything wrong with your mdlInitializeSizes. Could you try debugging your S-function and post the exact line that the crash occurs at.
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