How can I convert multiple individual .tif files to a single .tif stack

19 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am currently writing some code to convert each frame of a .avi file to a .tif file, but I would also like to store the resulting frames as a single file, i.e. a tif stack.
The imwrite feature 'WriteMode', 'append' is not working (and also not giving an error).
Below is the segment of code:
obj = VideoReader(currAVI); vid = read(obj); frames = obj.NumberOfFrames; mkdir(nameString); writeFolder = strcat(currFolder,'\', nameString); cd(writeFolder);
for x = 1 : frames
imwrite(vid(:,:,:,x),strcat('frame-',num2str(x),'.tif'), 'Compression', 'none', 'WriteMode', 'append');
  2 个评论
Joe Sheppard
Joe Sheppard 2018-4-4
I ended up writing the first frame to tiff outside the loop and then selecting 'overwrite' and 'append' within the loop and that got it to work.
I really don't know why the usual WriteMode' 'append' name pair argument didn't work, but hey a fix is a fix.
Thanks for your suggestion in any case


回答(1 个)

Mann Baidi
Mann Baidi 2024-4-4
Hi Joe,
Asumming you would like to store the frames of your .avi file in a single single stack of .tif file, but your facing issues in executing the same.
This is because you are using different filename (strcat('frame-',num2str(x),'.tif')) for each of the file in your 'imwrite' command.
imwrite(vid(:,:,:,x),strcat('frame-',num2str(x),'.tif'), 'Compression', 'none', 'WriteMode', 'append');
I would suggest you to use only one name for all the frames instead of multiple names.
You can try replacing the above line of code with the following line:
imwrite(vid(:,:,:,x),'sample.tif', 'Compression', 'none','WriteMode', "append");
I hope this will help in reslolving your quries!


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