Translation of a time signal in space by FFT and IFFT

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear all,
Currently i am looking to translate my time signal, which has been taken at point 'X' to point 'X+1.875'. The way i am doing this is as follows:
  • Applying a FFT to get each individual wave
  • For each individual wave, determine the wave number 'k'
  • Determine the phase per fase
  • determine the phase shift (length x k)
  • determine the new waves at the new point
  • inverse fft of new waves
But by doing this, the amplitude decreases significantly of my wave crests and increases in my wave through. Can anyone spot a mistake?
if true
f=[0:1/T:1/2*Fs 1/2*Fs-(1/T):-1/T:1/T];
figure, plot(f,sqrt(S.*conj(S)));
hold on; plot(f,abs(S));
kd = 0:0.001:10000;
figure, plot(k,sqrt(S.*conj(S)))
hold on; plot(k, abs(S))
Z = angle(S);
L = -1.875 ;% (somehow it translated 1.875m forward when L is set negative....)
da = L.*k';
amp2 = abs(S);
S_sh2 = amp2.*cos(Z+da) + i*amp2.*sin(Z+da);
S_sh2 = [S_sh2(1:561);conj(S_sh2(560:-1:2))];
wle_sh2 = ifft(S_sh2,'symmetric');
Blue is the original signal, black the newly translated signal to 1.875 meter forward

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