Huge broadcast variable, optimizing code without parfor?

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I have a 40000 by 80000 matrix from which I'm obtaining the number of "clusters" (groups of elements with the same value that are adjacent to one another) and then calculating the size of each of those clusters. Here it is the chunk of code.
FRAGMENTSIZESCLASS = struct([]); %We store the data in a structure
for class=1:NumberOfClasses
%-First we create a binary image for each class-%
BWclass = foto==class;
%-Second we calculate the number of connected components (fragments)-%
L = bwlabeln(BWclass); %returns a label matrix, L, containing labels for the connected components in BWclass
clear BWclass
%-Third we calculate the size of each fragment-%
for f=1:NumberFragments % potential improvement: using parfor while saring the memory between workers
FragmentSize(f,1) = sum(L(:) == f);
clear L
The problem is that the matrix L is so large that if I use a parfor loop it turns into a broadcast variable and then the memory gets multiplied and I run out of memory.
Any ideas on how to sort this out? I've seen this file: but is not an straightforward solution, even though I have 24 cores still will take a lot of time.
Cheers! LJ

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