fail to delete files using the delete command in R2018a

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, everyone,
The current dir is F:\Test
I tested to delete files using the following commands:
TestName = 'F:\Test\Test\Test.xlsx'
delete TestName
But it failed to work:
When I set the current dir to F:\Test\Test and using the following commands:
TestName = 'Test.xlsx'
delete TestName
It also failed to work:
But when I using the delete 'Test.xlsx' command, it succeeded:
Does anyone have the same problem or who can tell me why?
Thank you very much in advance.
  1 个评论
Stephen23 2018-5-21
"Does anyone have the same problem or who can tell me why?"
Because you are using command syntax, which interprets all trailing inputs as literal strings. So when you enter this:
Delete TestName
it is exactly equivalent to this:
Thus none of your examples (except the last one) are trying to delete that file. If you want to use a variable as an input argument to a function then you will need to use function syntax, as Walter Roberson showed. Note also that none of the examples in the MATLAB help show command syntax being used with an input argument.



Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-5-21
  2 个评论
Sihem Nour El Houda
Hello , sir . I tried to use the delete command many times but it wouldn't work. I can't seem to understand why as I followed many examples. What I'm working on is : if an image verifies a condition that is defined, delete the file !
The code runs but the image file is always present in the folder !
I would really appreciate your help with this as I need it to loop through tens of images prior to the training of a CNN.
Thanks in a advance


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