sequence of image processing using the same background
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Hi everybody I have a batch of images. For each image, I am using the same background image. How can I analyze all images using the same background image? When I read the one image, I will have to change the name of the background image as well, but I can not manage to change the background image name for each image that I need to analyze. I would also appreciate if you give me some info, suggestion regarding analyzing the batch of images in the same code?
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Image Analyst
See the FAQ for code samples:
Inside the loop, create the new background image filename and read it in with imread(). Then read in the test image and use both of them to do your analysis.
11 个评论
Image Analyst
Unfortunately you forgot to include your code, and I'm heading off to the airport in a couple of hours. Try this:
imshow(correctedImage, []);
It's possible that your background image is darker than your test images so the ratio is always greater than one so you need the empty brackets in imshow().
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