How import keras model converted by yolov3 weights to matlab?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I converted darknet yolov3 model weights to keras model.
and import it to matlab using importKerasNetwork.
I used following code:
>weights = 'yolo.h5';
>net = importKerasNetwork(weights,'OutputLayerType','classification')
and result that
:Importing Keras networks with more than 1 input or output layer is not yet supported.
what's the reason for this?
2018a can't support this?

回答(3 个)

Don Mathis
Don Mathis 2018-6-14
2018a Neural Network Toolbox does not support networks with more than 1 input or output layer

cui,xingxing 2019-3-26
编辑:cui,xingxing 2019-3-26

cui,xingxing 2019-5-24
编辑:cui,xingxing 2019-5-24
@ argo yang ,@ Don Mathis,@Kai Su please reference here:
Very good hands-on practice!
good luck!


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