Running code as previous version

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I've been working on a fairly large program in Matlab 2010b and I need to demonstrate it on my supervisor's computer. He's running 2008 and wont update for various reasons -- recently I've made judicious use of the ~ feature as a input/output to a function because I think it's awesome but obviously it causes compatibility issues.
Is there a way I can run my code "as 2008" so the compiler picks up errors for me to quickly fix?
Alternatively can anyone think of a way around this, given that I can't use if(ver === etc. ) in method definitions?
  1 个评论
per isakson
per isakson 2012-6-10
I'm pretty sure there is no quick fix. Can't you bring a laptop to the demonstration?



per isakson
per isakson 2012-6-10
Not so quick fix.
Find in Files "~," and replace by the string, "dummy", or better do the same with a more powerful editor.
Then you might find there are other compatibility problems.
  1 个评论
Leon 2012-6-11
Yeah that's the answer I was dreading. I guess this is how old versions go about refusing to die.


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