How to create variable length buffer in Simulink for holding the value with unknown dimensions ?

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
i want to store a value of one signal in Simulink until the my trigger becomes high. Every time when trigger becomes high, the number of values of signal between two triggers are different.
i tried to use the following approach in MATLAB function block but it didn't worked
function = func(trigger , SignalA)
persistent store;
if isempty(store)
if(trigger ==0)
store= [store SignalA];
it gives me following error
Assigning empty arrays to persistent variables is not supported.
Any other method to do this thing?

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-4-27
You are going to have trouble with that approach unless you use dynamic memory allocation.
Better is to set a maximum length between triggers, and use something more like
function buffer = func(trigger, SignalA )
Buffer_Length = 20480;
persistent store counter
if isempty(store)
counter = 0;
store = zeros(1, Buffer_Length);
if trigger == 0
if counter <= Buffer_Length
counter = counter + 1;
store(1, counter) = SignalA;
%do nothing, drop the sample
buffer = [];
buffer = store(1:counter);
counter = 0;
store = zeros(1, Buffer_Length);
As long as trigger is 0, this records the signal; if the recording would be too long then it drops the samples.
As soon as the trigger becomes non-zero, it releases all of the stored samples in one go, and resets the buffer.


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