Save ROI Object and load it later again

30 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have several pictures where the User defines different ROI-Objects. The user can switch between the currently displayed picture (Only one image is displayed at a time). Now I want to store each ROI-Object corresponding to each picture and load them when the User comes back to the picture with the corresponding ROI-Object. To be clear: The (re)loaded ROI-Object needs to be still customizable.
I saved each handle to the corresponding ROI-Object but now I don't have a clue how to show the ROI-Object again. How can I do this?
  2 个评论
Adam 2018-7-10
What is an 'ROI-object'? An imroi or something else?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021-10-29
@Adam, drawpolygon() returns a variable that they call roi but is actually a variable of the "polygon" class.
The old imroi class from the Image Processing Toolbox is not recommended anymore, according to the help.


回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018-7-10
Simply use save() to save your variable into a .mat file
save('roi.mat', 'yourROIVariable');
To recall:
s = load('roi.mat');
yourROIVariable = s.yourROIVariable;
  6 个评论
Nat 2021-11-3
编辑:Nat 2021-11-3
When I try to save my ROI from drawellipse, it says it must be a text scalar. Here is my code. Do you know what to do?
file2Open = fullfile('LabeltheSkeleton.png');
image1 = imread('LabeltheSkeleton.png');
leftClavicleROI = drawellipse('Position', [100, 300]);
save('leftClavicleROI.mat', leftClavicleROI);
variable1 = load('leftClavicleROI.mat');
Error Message:
Error using save
Must be a text scalar.
Error in TestingFinalProjectParts (line 14)
save('leftClavicleROI.mat', leftClavicleROI);
DGM 2021-11-3
You need to pass the name of the variable, not the variable itself.
save('leftClavicleROI.mat', 'leftClavicleROI');


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