If you have a recent version of Matlab (R2016a or later), you can use polaraxes/polarplot to get much more flexibility in setting up your axis:
polaraxes('RLim', [-22 0], ...
'thetadir', 'clockwise', ...
'thetazerolocation', 'top');
hold on;
polarplot(teta, [corte0; corte90]);
If you're running an older version of Matlab, the mmpolar function (available on the File Exchange) offers very similar functionality:
mmpolar(teta, [corte0; corte90], ...
'RLimit', [-22 0], ...
'TDirection', 'cw', ...
'TZeroDirection', 'North');
Both functions allow you to customize many properties of the polar axis, including R- and Theta-limits, angle direction and units, colors, labels, etc. Polaraxes are a little more robust, in that they create modifiable handle objects, but are still pretty limited in what can be plotted (no support of patch objects, for example), so I keep both these functions in my arsenal for now.