How to Detect Edges of an Image using Canny Edge Detection technique. I have already detected edges of Images, but I'm not sure if it is correct or not. Also, I want to add legend command and axis information in this, how would I do this thing?

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if true
% code
clear all;
close all;
img = imread('Table.jpg');
title('Original Image')
I = rgb2gray(img);
title('Grey Scaled Image')
Canny_img = edge(I,'Canny');
title('Edge Detected Image')


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018-7-22
编辑:Image Analyst 2018-7-22
Use axis('on', 'image'). I fixed other problems too. Fixed code is below:
clear all;
close all;
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
% Read in original RGB image.
rgbImage = imread('Table.jpg');
subplot(2, 2, 1);
axis('on', 'image');
title('Original Image')
% Convert to gray scale.
grayImage = rgb2gray(rgbImage);
subplot(2, 2, 2);
axis('on', 'image');
title('Grey Scale Image')
% Get edges
Canny_img = edge(grayImage, 'Canny');
subplot(2, 2, 3);
imshow(Canny_img, [])
axis('on', 'image');
title('Edge Detected Image')
% Enlarge figure to full screen.
set(gcf, 'Units', 'Normalized', 'Outerposition', [0, 0.05, 1, 0.95]);
By the way, you don't need to do edge detection to "find" the table if that's all that you want to do. You can simply threshold.

更多回答(1 个)

Nayana  K M
Nayana K M 2022-1-18
I = rgb2gray(imread("dog.jpg"));
Error using imread>get_full_filename (line 569)
File "dog.jpg" does not exist.

Error in imread (line 371)
fullname = get_full_filename(filename);
subplot(2, 4, 1),
title("Gray Scale Image");
% Sobel Edge Detection
J = edge(I, 'Sobel');
subplot(2, 4, 2),
% Prewitt Edge detection
K = edge(I, 'Prewitt');
subplot(2, 4, 3),
% Robert Edge Detection
L = edge(I, 'Roberts');
subplot(2, 4, 4),
% Log Edge Detection
M = edge(I, 'log');
subplot(2, 4, 5),
% Zerocross Edge Detection
M = edge(I, 'zerocross');
subplot(2, 4, 6),
% Canny Edge Detection
N = edge(I, 'Canny');
subplot(2, 4, 7),
  3 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2023-8-22
@yuvasri to judge accuracy you need to have some alternative method that gives the "true" edges. Do you have that? If not, who's to say the result is not 100% accurate? Why do you think you need the accuracy? What really matters is if you can do what you need to do with the given output image.
To compare binary images for similarity you can use dice but you need a reference image.
help dice
DICE Sorensen-Dice similarity coefficient for image segmentation. SIMILARITY = DICE(BW1,BW2) computes the Sorensen-Dice similarity coefficient between segmented objects in binary images BW1 and BW2. SIMILARITY is a scalar double in [0,1]. A SIMILARITY of 1 means that the segmentations in BW1 and BW2 are a perfect match. SIMILARITY = DICE(L1,L2) computes the Dice index for each label in label images L1 and L2. SIMILARITY is a vector of doubles in [0,1], where the first coefficient is the Dice index for label 1, the second for label 2, and so on. SIMILARITY = DICE(C1,C2) computes the Dice index for each category in categorical images C1 and C2. SIMILARITY is a vector of doubles in [0,1], where the first coefficient is the Dice index for the first category, the second index for the second category, and so on. Notes ----- [1] The Dice similarity coefficient of two sets A and B is expressed as dice(A,B) = 2 * |intersection(A,B)| / (|A| + |B|) where |A| represents the cardinal of set A. It can also be expressed in terms of true positives (TP), false positives (FP) and false negatives (FN) as dice(A,B) = 2 * TP / (2 * TP + FP + FN) [2] The Dice index is related to the Jaccard index according to dice(A,B) = 2 * jaccard(A,B) / (1 + jaccard(A,B)) [3] The inputs BW, L and C can be 2-D or 3-D arrays. Example 1 --------- Compute the Dice similarity coefficient for a binary segmentation. % Read in an image with an object we wish to segment. A = imread('hands1.jpg'); % Convert the image to grayscale. I = rgb2gray(A); % Use active contours to segment the hand. mask = false(size(I)); mask(25:end-25,25:end-25) = true; BW = activecontour(I, mask, 300); % Read in the ground truth against which to compare the segmentation. BW_groundTruth = imread('hands1-mask.png'); % Compute the Dice index of this segmentation. similarity = dice(BW, BW_groundTruth); % Display both masks on top of one another. figure imshowpair(BW, BW_groundTruth) title(['Dice index = ' num2str(similarity)]) Example 2 --------- Compute the Dice similarity coefficient for n-ary segmentation. % Read in an image with several objects we wish to segment. RGB = imread('yellowlily.jpg'); % Create scribbles for three regions. region1 = [350 700 425 120]; % [x y w h] format BW1 = false(size(RGB,1),size(RGB,2)); BW1(region1(2):region1(2)+region1(4),region1(1):region1(1)+region1(3)) = true; region2 = [800 1124 120 230]; BW2 = false(size(RGB,1),size(RGB,2)); BW2(region2(2):region2(2)+region2(4),region2(1):region2(1)+region2(3)) = true; region3 = [20 1320 480 200; 1010 290 180 240]; BW3 = false(size(RGB,1),size(RGB,2)); BW3(region3(1,2):region3(1,2)+region3(1,4),region3(1,1):region3(1,1)+region3(1,3)) = true; BW3(region3(2,2):region3(2,2)+region3(2,4),region3(2,1):region3(2,1)+region3(2,3)) = true; % Display the seed regions on top of the image. figure imshow(RGB) hold on visboundaries(BW1,'Color','r'); visboundaries(BW2,'Color','g'); visboundaries(BW3,'Color','b'); title('Seed regions') % Segment the image into three regions using % geodesic distance-based color segmentation. L = imseggeodesic(RGB,BW1,BW2,BW3,'AdaptiveChannelWeighting',true); % Load a ground truth segmentation of the image into three regions. L_groundTruth = double(imread('yellowlily-segmented.png')); % Visually compare the segmentation results with the ground truth. figure imshowpair(label2rgb(L),label2rgb(L_groundTruth),'montage') title('Comparison of segmentation results (left) and ground truth (right)') % Compute the Dice similarity index % for each segmented region. similarity = dice(L, L_groundTruth) See also BFSCORE, JACCARD. Documentation for dice doc dice





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