Comparing two vectors with different dimensions

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
How can you compare two vectors with different number of elements? I am just trying to find the equal elements. Thanks!


the cyclist
the cyclist 2012-6-14
Your question is fairly vague, but I have a feeling that either the ismember() command or the intersect() command will help you do what you want.
  1 个评论
osminbas 2012-6-14
Sorry I wasn't clearer. And yes, intersect was what I was looking for. Thank you!


更多回答(1 个)

Rohan Kale
Rohan Kale 2012-6-19
Let a and b be two arrays(or vectors). L=length(a), M=length(b).Suppose L>M, pad_zero=L-M; now b=[b zeros(1,pad_zero)]; c=a-b; now you can find the indices of the zero elements excluding the last pad_zero elements. These are your desired indices. Hope it helps.
  2 个评论
the cyclist
the cyclist 2012-6-19
Uh ... isn't it a lot easier to just use [c ia ib] = intersect(a,b)?
Rohan Kale
Rohan Kale 2012-6-19
yes it is indeed, I was just trying out an alternative....



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