Efficiently processing unusual date/time format

11 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a number of Excel files with many channels of data as well as an "Absolute Time" column in each. I can read the data in with no issue, but I am processing the "raw" data from the [~,~,raw] = xlsread(...) function because the time is in the unusual DDD:HH:MM:SS.sssssssss format (where DDD is a three digit number for the day of the year). As far as I can tell the datenum and similar functions can't work with this format. So I'm processing it manually by breaking the string into pieces at the colon character, converting the pieces to numbers and multiplying them out. However, processing this column of data stacks up to about half of the total time for processing my files (using the profiler), so I'd like to figure out a more efficient way of doing it.
Here is an excerpt of column A of the spreadsheet:
Absolute Time
There are an arbitrary number of comment lines at the top of the file (hence the initial ...). After passing over the comment lines, I arrive at setting an index called varNameRowIdx to the line which has the "DDD:HH:MM:SS.sssssssss" string. I actually don't care whether I end up with absolute times or times relative to the first time value, but I do need to be able to properly handle the case where it rolls over to the next day within the data. Right now, I'm grabbing the first time value ( raw{(varNameRowIdx+2),1}) in the first sheet ( jj of 1) of the first file ( ii of 1) and am then offsetting all other time values by that t0 to create relative time.
% define first time value of first sheet of first file as t = 0
if 1==ii && 1==jj
t0 = str2double(strsplit(raw{(varNameRowIdx+2),1},':'));
t0 = t0(1)*86400+t0(2)*3600+t0(3)*60+t0(4);
% specially process time column
idx = 1; tvec = zeros(size(raw,1)-(varNameRowIdx+1),1);
for kk=(varNameRowIdx+2):size(raw,1)
tt = str2double(strsplit(raw{kk,1},':'));
tt = tt(1)*86400+tt(2)*3600+tt(3)*60+tt(4);
tvec(idx) = tt-t0;
idx = idx+1;
The tt = str2double(strsplit(raw{kk,1},':')); line is the one that's really expensive, with the strsplit and str2double functions taking 21 and 23% of the total time, respectively. I'm sure there's a better way to process the time stamp data than one element at a time, but I'm not sure what it is. Any suggestions?


dpb 2018-8-1
编辑:dpb 2018-8-1
Once you have the cell array that holds the date strings, then datetime will convert from day of year...
>> datetime(r,'InputFormat','DDD:HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS')
ans =
7×1 datetime array
11-May-2018 17:31:20
11-May-2018 17:31:20
11-May-2018 17:31:20
11-May-2018 17:31:20
11-May-2018 17:31:20
11-May-2018 17:31:20
11-May-2018 17:31:20
For the particular case, specifying an output format as well may be useful
>> datetime(r,'InputFormat','DDD:HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS','Format','dd-MMM-uuuu HH:mm:ss.SSS')
ans =
7×1 datetime array
11-May-2018 17:31:20.000
11-May-2018 17:31:20.050
11-May-2018 17:31:20.100
11-May-2018 17:31:20.150
11-May-2018 17:31:20.200
11-May-2018 17:31:20.250
11-May-2018 17:31:20.300
or, since this looks like a sampling dataset, as you're doing now convert to duration--
>> d=t-t(1);
>> d.Format='mm:ss.SSS'
d =
7×1 duration array
You then might find
doc timetable
doc timeseries
of interest depending on what else is to be done once have the data.
  3 个评论
dpb 2018-8-1
"the help for datenum" also suggests better option is to use datetime... VBG
Michael 2018-8-1
编辑:Michael 2018-8-1
Thanks for the addendum. In my case based on your initial answer, I did the following in my code, which was quite efficient:
% define first time value of first sheet of first file as t = 0
if 1==ii && 1==jj
t0 = datetime(raw((varNameRowIdx+2),1),'InputFormat','DDD:HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS');
% specially process time column
tvec = seconds(datetime(raw((varNameRowIdx+2):end,1),'InputFormat','DDD:HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS')-t0);
I probably could have gone a different route, but this worked well since as you correctly guessed I was aiming for timeseries in the end.


更多回答(1 个)

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins 2018-8-3
Michael, your data example says, "Absolute Time", so datetime may indeed be the right thing to create. But beginning in R2018a, you can convert certain kinds of "duration text" directly to durations:
>> t = duration('131:17:31:20.000000000','Format','dd:hh:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS')
t =
>> t.Format = 'd'
t =
131.73 days
>> t.Format = 's'
t =
1.1381e+07 sec
  1 个评论
Michael 2018-8-3
The data was originally recorded with absolute time, but for my plotting purposes I don't really care if the time axis starts at zero or has an offset of millions of seconds. Yours looks like a very good approach, possibly even better than what I did, but since I've fixed my code to "good enough" (roughly a 90% reduction in computation time to do that part of the code) based on dpb's answer, I'll leave that one marked as the "Accepted Answer". Thanks!



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