Signal Modelling

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Roger Newman-Norlund
Dear all, I have two signals which represent the y-position of the left and right side of a bar being lifted by two people (p1 and p2). I want to model p2's responses based on the input of p1. (ie create a 'robot' like entity to play with that acts like P2). Not sure how to begin. Is there something people suggest using for this. Roger
  1 个评论
Star Strider
Star Strider 2012-6-19
I'd start by defining the problem in a bit more detail. What is p2's objective? Is p2 simply to keep the bar level following whatever p1 does, lift it with p1 to a certain target height where it then stays, or something else? What sensory inputs about the bar does p2 have? What physical capabilities does p2 have? What are the characteristics of the bar (flexibility, resonances, mass, length, etc.)?


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