I have this error, and I don't know how to solve it.Can someone help me please?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Error in p5_6_Simulate_Ceiling_Bounce_Model_and_Eye_Diagram (line 32)
channel_output = conv(Tx_signal,h,'same');
  5 个评论
M 2018-8-28
编辑:M 2018-8-28
What are Tx_signal and h ? The error message says they must be vectors.
Alexandra Diaconu
Alexandra Diaconu 2018-8-28
Tx is a signal generator. the entire code is:
% Bit rate
% bit duration
sig_length = 1e3;
% number of bits
nsamp = 10;
% samples per symbols
Tsamp = Tb/nsamp;
% sampling time
%%*****Channel Impulse response (using Ceiling bounce model)*************
Dt = 0.5;
% Normalized delay spread
Drms = Dt*Tb;
%RMS delay spread
a = 12*sqrt(11/13)*Drms;
K = 30*nsamp;
% number of channel taps
k = 0:K;
h = ((6*a^6)./(((k*Tsamp) + a).^7));
% channel impulse response
h = h./sum(h);
% normalizing for conservation of energy
% **************** filter definitions****************
pt = ones(1,nsamp);
% tranmitter filter
c = conv(pt,h,'same');
OOK = randi(1,sig_length);
% random signal generation
Tx_signal = rectpulse(OOK,nsamp);
%Pulse shaping function (rectangular pulse);
channel_output = conv(Tx_signal,h,'same');
% channel output
eyediagram(channel_output, 3*nsamp);



M 2018-8-28
编辑:M 2018-8-28
The problem is that Tx_signal is not a vector but a matrix of size 1000 x 1000.
From the help of conv function:
C = conv(A, B) convolves vectors A and B..
You can look at conv2:
C = conv2(A, B) performs the 2-D convolution of matrices A and B.

更多回答(2 个)

编辑:KALYAN ACHARJYA 2018-8-28
The complete code is available in this Book
Optical Wireless Communications: System and Channel Modelling with MATLAB By Z. Ghassemlooy, W. Popoola, S. Rajbhandari

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-8-28
OOK = randi(1,sig_length);
That line says that the rand values should be integers in the range 1 to 1, and that you want sig_length rows and columns of them.
If you want random binary you should use
randi([0 1], 1, sig_length)


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