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Outline of two intersecting curves

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
BeeTiaw 2018-8-31
关闭: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021-8-20
I am trying to get the x and y coordinate an outline produces by two or three intersecting circles as shown in the figure. Coordinate of the two circles are available below.
How can we do this automatically? I have hundreds of figures like this with known coordinate. The shape can be arbitrary, not necessarily circle.
What I want is just to get the x and y coordinate of the final shape.
1.0000 0
0.9848 0.1736
0.9397 0.3420
0.8660 0.5000
0.7660 0.6428
0.6428 0.7660
0.5000 0.8660
0.3420 0.9397
0.1736 0.9848
0.0000 1.0000
-0.1736 0.9848
-0.3420 0.9397
-0.5000 0.8660
-0.6428 0.7660
-0.7660 0.6428
-0.8660 0.5000
-0.9397 0.3420
-0.9848 0.1736
-1.0000 0.0000
-0.9848 -0.1736
-0.9397 -0.3420
-0.8660 -0.5000
-0.7660 -0.6428
-0.6428 -0.7660
-0.5000 -0.8660
-0.3420 -0.9397
-0.1736 -0.9848
-0.0000 -1.0000
0.1736 -0.9848
0.3420 -0.9397
0.5000 -0.8660
0.6428 -0.7660
0.7660 -0.6428
0.8660 -0.5000
0.9397 -0.3420
0.9848 -0.1736
1.0000 -0.0000
The coordinate of the smaller circle
x y
1.4000 0
1.3939 0.0695
1.3759 0.1368
1.3464 0.2000
1.3064 0.2571
1.2571 0.3064
1.2000 0.3464
1.1368 0.3759
1.0695 0.3939
1.0000 0.4000
0.9305 0.3939
0.8632 0.3759
0.8000 0.3464
0.7429 0.3064
0.6936 0.2571
0.6536 0.2000
0.6241 0.1368
0.6061 0.0695
0.6000 0.0000
0.6061 -0.0695
0.6241 -0.1368
0.6536 -0.2000
0.6936 -0.2571
0.7429 -0.3064
0.8000 -0.3464
0.8632 -0.3759
0.9305 -0.3939
1.0000 -0.4000
1.0695 -0.3939
1.1368 -0.3759
1.2000 -0.3464
1.2571 -0.3064
1.3064 -0.2571
1.3464 -0.2000
1.3759 -0.1368
1.3939 -0.0695
1.4000 -0.0000

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