calculating sum of an array by using if-or statement in matlab

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Hi, I want to calculate the sum of some array elements in matlab by using if-or statement or by using any other code. My inputs are shown in below.
Deger Node1 Node2
20 1 2
25 2 5
27 5 6
28 6 7
31 7 4
32 4 3
33 3 2
34 3 6
I want to identify same values (max=7) in node1 and node 2 and calculate the sum of Deger values corresponding to that values. For example for 1, we have only 20 for değer. so value=20. For 2, we have 3 values 20,25,33. so the sum is 78. For 3, we have 32,33,34 so value=32+33+34=99. How can I wrote this code in matlab ? Thanks for your help.


Torsten 2018-9-7
Deger = [20 25 27 28 31 32 33 34];
Node1 = [1 2 5 6 7 4 3 3];
Node2 = [2 5 6 7 4 3 2 6];
minimum = min(min(Node1),min(Node2))
maximum = max(max(Node1),max(Node2))
result = NaN(maximum-minimum+1,1);
for i=minimum:maximum
result(i+1-minimum) = sum(Deger(find(Node1==i|Node2==i)));

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