Get Number of Grains

10 次查看(过去 30 天)
Parth Desai
Parth Desai 2018-9-14
评论: AMAR P 2018-9-25
Below link is having a sample program of finding grain size using line intercept method [] In this sample how can I get Number of Grains present in the Input image. Example code is having one EBSD image as well, how can I convert my rgb images to EBSD so that I can use the attached example.

回答(1 个)

AMAR P 2018-9-25
编辑:AMAR P 2018-9-25
hi, I gave it a try. Check with the code below. There are couple of intensity transformation need to be perform to get sharp images. Furthermore, I will also suggest you to try Edge filter to enhance them.
MainImg = imread('temp.bmp');
% Convert to GrayScale Image [To perform histeq]
GrayImg = rgb2gray(MainImg);
% Intensity transformation
GrayImg = histeq(GrayImg);
% Convert to Binary Image
BinImg = im2bw(GrayImg);
%Get Region props
GrainProps = regionprops('table', BinImg,'Centroid');
% Get No of Grains in the image
NoOfGrains = numel(GrainProps);
%Read All Centers into Array
GrainCenters = GrainProps.Centroid;
% Mark Grains at Center.
hold on;
text(GrainCenters(:,1), GrainCenters(:,2),'*','Color','r');
hold off
fprintf('\nNo. Of Grains found in the Image = %d\n', NoOfGrains);


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