How to streamline this code to average certain rows?

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I have a three row column data: lon lat and Z. What I want to do is to round longitude and latitude to 2 digits. For example, 65.3796 will be rounded 65.38. Then the program will sort the data based on longitude and latitude, and average any rows with identical longitudes and latitudes. For example,
The below matrix:
65.39 23.56 10.5
66.70 25.36 6.7
66.70 25.36 7.8
Will become:
65.39 23.56 10.5
66.70 25.36 7.25
Here is my code. The problem is that I have several dozens of millions of data. It will take forever to complete. Anyone could help me create a more streamlined code, so that the program will be much faster?
I really appreciate your help!
clear all
close all
load data/data_3row % D: lon lat Z
lon = D(:,1);
lat = D(:,2);
for i=1:length(lon)
lon(i,1) = round(lon(i,1)*100)/100;
lat(i,1) = round(lat(i,1)*100)/100;
D2 = [lon, lat, D(:,3)];
D3 = sortrows(D2, [1:2]);
D3 = [D3; 0 0 0];
[m n] = size(D3);
Ind1 = D3(1,1);
Ind2 = D3(1,2);
row = D3(1,:);
D4 = [];
n4 = 0;
for i=2:m
if D3(i,1)==Ind1 & D3(i,2)==Ind2
row = [row; D3(i,:)];
n4 = n4+1;
D4(n4,:) = [row(1,1), row(1,2), nanmean(row(:,3))];
Ind1 = D3(i,1);
Ind2 = D3(i,2);
row = D3(i,:);
save('data/data_3row_avg.mat', 'D4');


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-9-20
for i=1:length(lon)
lon(i,1) = round(lon(i,1)*100)/100;
lat(i,1) = round(lat(i,1)*100)/100;
lon = round(lon, 2);
lat = round(lat, 2);
After that,
vals = D(:,3);
[ulon, ~, ulonidx] = unique(lon);
[ulat, ~, ulatidx] = unique(lat);
meanarray = accumarray([ulonidx, ulatidx], vals, [], @mean, nan);
valididx = find( ~isnan(meanarray) );
[lonidx, latidx] = ind2sub( size(meanarray), valididx );
means = meanarray(valididx);
D4 = [ulon(lonidx), ulat(latidx), means];
  11 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-9-21
means = splitapply(@(M)mean(M,1), Z, G);
The difference against @mean is that in the case where a single row happened to be a group of its own, mean() would be applied to the row vector and that would return a scalar, whereas in the case where multiple rows were in a group, mean() would be applied to the 2D array that that would return a row vector with one column per column of input. Using the mean(M,1) forces it to always take the column-wise mean, even if there is only one row.
Leon 2018-9-21
Working flawless!
Thank you so much for your big help! This will help speed up my project significantly!


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