How do I delete the spectral images caused due to sampling in frequency domain?
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One of my module has a requirement to shift the frequency of a transmitter signal and view its spectrum.
For example, say, my transmitter signal is at center frequency 160MHz and the sample rate is 81.92MHz. I am shifting the signal step by step from 0MHz to 80MHz. What I expect to see on the spectrum is that the signal disappears at some point of time when the shifting frequency is more than the window size i.e. 81.92MHz but I see that the signal appears again. (Which I think is because of the spectral images caused due to sampling). Please find the spectrums attached.
I do not want to see the observed behavior. I designed an algorithm to make the fft bins zero on the right or left depending on the direction of shift but I feel it is a round about solution. Any suggestion would help!
For frequency shift, I used the formula,
SigOut = SigIn.*exp(I*2pi*t*(f_c-f_shift))
f_c = center frequency, f_shift = shift frequency
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Image Analyst
"How do I delete the spectral images?" Use the delete() function and pass it the filename.
2 个评论
Image Analyst
If they're not files, but variables, you can use the clear() function to delete variables.
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