Callback function is not executed anymore after using snapshot or step getting image frames

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am using a GUI to start and stop my video camera. First I create the videoinput with
  • vid = videoinput('avtmatlabadaptor64_r2009b',1,'F7M0_Raw8_1032x778');
  • start(vid);
Everything works fine if I get image data in a loop data with:
image = getdata(vid,1,'single')
But this is extremely slow. So I changed this line into
image = getsnapshot(vid); (or alternatively into image = step(vid); using imaq.VideoDevice)
which both run 10 times faster. My problem is now that my GUI button press functions are not executed anymore when I press a button. The header of this function is: function buttonStop_Callback(hObject, ~, handles) Has anyone an idea how I can fix this problem?


tlawren 2012-6-26
What does your stop callback function actually do? Does it set a stop flag variable? When I make data collection GUIs, I typically put my data collection code inside a loop that is designed to run non-stop until a stop flag is set. My stop buttons then have only one purpose and that is to set the stop flag. A rough example of this process is the following.
% pre-collect data stuff
set(handles.StopButton,'UserData', 0);
while (get(handles.StopButton,'UserData') == 0)
% collect data
% post collect stuff
The StopButton function simply sets the UserData field in handles.StopButton to 1.
This may not be the best way to actually collect data in a GUI and it may not be of any use to you (I don't know how getdata and getsnapshot work), but it might be an idea to consider.
  4 个评论
Rainer Mautz
Rainer Mautz 2012-6-26
Not any of all my callback functions would break the while loop until I added a pause(0.01) within the loop. Now it works i.e. the callbacks are called, but it is unclear to me why.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012-6-27
I'm not sure why either. All I know is that I've tried to do that before and it doesn't work with buttons, however it does work with checkboxes. So if I need to break out of an intensive, computationally heavy loop I make visible a checkbox that says "Finish now" which the user can click and my loop can check and bail out if it's checked. Then I hide the checkbox until the next time. Making a "Finish Now" button to set a "FinishNow" flag didn't seem to work, I guess because the loop was so intensive it never got around to starting that parallel code execution going. Maybe putting in that pause gave it a chance to catch its breath and do other things, like running that button's callback.


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