Real-time Spectrum Analysis

13 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to develop a Real-time Audio Spectrum Analyzer, input to which, needs to be given through a microphone. I know that Spectral Analysis can be done in MATLAB, but can this be done for live (real-time) input? How?


Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen 2018-10-17
You can use Spectrum Analyzer to do this.
Look at the examples in the above page. The signal are fed into the analyzer in batch mode. You can just replace those signals with the one you get from the microphone.
  6 个评论
Parth Tarabadkar
Parth Tarabadkar 2018-11-15
编辑:Parth Tarabadkar 2018-11-15
By compare, I mean that if the input audio signal has a frequency component of 500 Hz and the corresponding gain is +2dB, then I want this value (the number 2) in a variable (say x), so that it could be further compared with any other number which we provide explicitly (say 1), i.e calculate the difference between x and 1 in real time.
Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen 2018-11-15
In that case, I'd suggest you to use pspectrum instead of spectrum analyzer to retrive the number.


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