how to load variables in the workspace

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm trying to load the variables of a -mat file chosen from a directory and I don't know what I do wrong.
My code is:
[nom, ruta] = uigetfile('*.mat', 'Obrir arxiu');
if isequal (nom,0) %per si prenem cancelar, i no escollim cap arxiu
disp('Has seleccionat Cancel·lar')
disp(['Has seleccionat:', fullfile(ruta, nom)])
I want to program in my file.m, more o less the same function than Import Wizard does, i.e. load all my variables from the .mat file chosen, in my case 'A', 'Length' 'Tinternal' and 'Tstart'.
What do I have to do?


TAB 2012-7-6
编辑:TAB 2012-7-9
If you are loading mat file from m-script
And, If you are loading mat file from function
evalin('base',['load(''' 'YourMatFileWithFullPath.mat' ''')'])
>> doc load

更多回答(2 个)

Arthur 2012-7-6
编辑:Arthur 2012-7-6
You can read the mat file with
data = open(fullfile(ruta,nom));
the contents of your file will be stored in struct "data" on the workspace (e.g. data.A, data.Length, data.Tinernal, data.Tstart)

Roser Torrent
Roser Torrent 2012-7-6
Thanks Arthur,
I put your code but I can't see the variables, in that case 'data', or 'A', 'Length', 'Tinterval' and 'Tstart' in my workspace window like Import Data Wizard does.
I would like to do the same than "Import Data Wizard" but without use it, i.e. manually,
Can you help me, please?


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