Interrupt in Raspberry pi

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Shreeranga RB
Shreeranga RB 2018-11-11
回答: Vidip 2024-6-7
Is there a way to use the external interrupt feature of Raspberry Pi? I am using Raspberry Pi model 3 B. I am trying to execute a routine only when an event(rising/falling) is detected on the GPIO pins. How can I do it?

回答(1 个)

Vidip 2024-6-7
Yes, you can use the external interrupt feature of the Raspberry Pi, including the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, to execute a routine in MATLAB when a rising or falling edge event is detected on one of the GPIO pins. You can go through below example link as it introduces the workflow for working with GPIO pins, how to connect LEDs and push buttons to GPIO pins-


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