How to run an independent callback function in parallel?

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obj = StoredData;
image_sub = rossubscriber('/rgb/image_rect_color/compressed',{@callbackFn3a, obj}); % Independent, callback occurs on new image receive
depth_sub = rossubscriber('/depth/depth_registered/compressed',{@callbackFn3b, obj});% Dependent, callback occurs similarly on new depthmap receive
% Why dependent? Because inside callback3b after readImage(message)
% callback3b needs image recieved by image_sub.
% Additional info: image always arrives before depthmap arrives (~ 10ms before)
function callbackFn3a(~, message, obj) = [,:);... % deletes old 1st row; outputting in class object
{message.Header.Seq, readImage(message)}]; % adds new row in bottom {image_sequence, image}
% Additional info: readImage(message) takes ~25ms for rgb image
function callbackFn3b(~, message, obj)
depthMap = readImage(message); % reads the depth map, ~10ms for grayscale image
[h, idx] = sort(depthMap(:), 'descend'); % an operation ~10ms, to utilize the timegap till the image in callbackFn3a is ready
while true
im_idx = [{:,1}] == message.Header.Seq; % matching image_sequence with depthmap_sequence
if sum(im_idx) == 1
break % break while loop when finds match
end % this while loop is only to wait if readImage in previous callback3a took more time
% if callback3a was not late then while loop survives for only 1 iteration
im ={im_idx,2}; % getting the matched image
%%%%%%% rest of code
By the way StoredData is nothing but a class object
classdef StoredData < handle
properties (SetAccess = public, GetAccess = public)
im = cell(10,2); % callbackFn3a feeds data, callbackFn3b uses data
I want to run callback3a in parallel !!!!
Problem I faced currently is due to simultaneous processing in callback3b some of the image sequence is skipped by callback3a.
Can a dedicated worker is assigned to image_sub??
Thanks for considerationCapture.JPG

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