Solver stops, but should not

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Tim 2018-11-24
in the following code I represent 3 houses with 3 energy storages and they can share energy with another. The goal is to maximize the energy in each house, but they should avoid going in to the negative direction. When I give the houses lowerbounds of 0 and the solution cant avoid being 0 for one house I dont receive a solution. How should I tell Matlab that I want to maximize each house seperatly ?
Edit: I would like to use "energyprob.Objective = H3 * H2 * H1;" ,but I read that matlab cant do this. Is that true?
Thank you so much!
energyprob = optimproblem;
% 3 Houses 3 Storages one day
% H1 = optimvar('H1','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',10);
% H2 = optimvar('H2','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',10);
% H3 = optimvar('H3','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',10);
H1 = optimvar('H1','UpperBound',10);
H2 = optimvar('H2','UpperBound',10);
H3 = optimvar('H3','UpperBound',10);
E1 = optimvar('E1','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',10);
E2 = optimvar('E2','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',10);
E3 = optimvar('E3','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',10);
E_in_1 = optimvar('E_in_1','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',10);
E_in_2 = optimvar('E_in_2','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',10);
E_in_3 = optimvar('E_in_3','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',10);
E_out_1 = optimvar('E_out_1','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',10);
E_out_2 = optimvar('E_out_2','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',10);
E_out_3 = optimvar('E_out_3','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',10);
Anz_E = 3;
PV = 1; % energy from the sun
E_start = 4;
E_start_ges = Anz_E*(PV + E_start); % 15
Bedarf1 = 3; % Energy Demand
Bedarf2 = 3; % Energy Demand
Bedarf3 = 6; % Energy Demand
energyprob.Constraints.start1 = E1 == E_in_1 - E_out_1 + E_out_2 + E_out_3;
energyprob.Constraints.start2 = E2 == E_in_2 - E_out_2 + E_out_1 + E_out_3;
energyprob.Constraints.start3 = E3 == E_in_3 - E_out_3 + E_out_2 + E_out_1;
energyprob.Constraints.start4 = E3 + E1 + E2 == E_start_ges;
energyprob.Constraints.start6 = E_out_1 + E_out_2 + E_out_3 == E_in_1 + E_in_2 + E_in_3;
energyprob.Constraints.HE11 = H1 >= 0;
energyprob.Constraints.HE21 = H2 >= 0;
energyprob.Constraints.HE31 = H3 >= 0;
energyprob.Constraints.HE1 = H1 == E1 - Bedarf1;
energyprob.Constraints.HE2 = H2 == E2 - Bedarf2;
energyprob.Constraints.HE3 = H3 == E3 - Bedarf3;
energyprob.Objective = H3 + H2 + H1;
% energyprob.Objective = H3
energyprob.ObjectiveSense = 'maximize';
[sol,fval] = solve(energyprob)
  3 个评论
Tim 2018-11-25
thank you! I will try another solver then. Should I use Fmincon ?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-11-25
fmincon is one possibility. Note that it is a local minimizer, not a global minimizer.


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