Hi! Indeed 'phasez()' plots the unwrapped angle, but 'phasez()' acts on the coefficients of the filter and 'unwrap(angle())' acts on the frequency response of the filter. Thus, in your code you should employ 'timeFilter' as the argument in 'phasez()' and 'h' as the argument of 'unwrap(angle())'. Attached your sample code with this modification.
timeFilter = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9];
h = freqz(timeFilter, [1 zeros(1, length(timeFilter))]);
[phi, w] = phasez(timeFilter);
plot(w, phi);
hold on;
plot(w, unwrap(angle(h)),'o');
xlabel('frequency (rad/sample)');
ylabel('phase (radians)')
legend({'phasez', 'unwrap(angle)'});