Any suggestions on how to avoid problems with other commands/apps finding after installing MCR (deploying standalone code)?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
This must be a problem for others as well . . .
After installing MCR (MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime) and editing LD_LIBRARY_PATH (in .bashrc) as indicated by the installation instructions (and run script), some commands/applications (e.g, aptitude, paraview) could not find My interpretation is that those commands don't like the version of the library in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
There was no value for LD_LIBRARY_PATH before I edited .bashrc.
I added /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu to the path (as the first directory), and it cured the problem. (at least for the commands/apps I have used)
So, I conclude that the directories entered into LD_LIBRARY_PATH are searched before others (those set up using /etc/*.conf are the only ones I know about . . .)
Is there a way to have directories in LD_LIBRARY_PATH searched last? Or, is there another way of looking at the problem?
Thanks, Tim

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