How to specify X tick intervals on an XY plot and a line plot on a chart, on a specific Excel sheet, via MATLAB?

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to create an XY scatter plot (and a linear regression line), on a chart, on a specific worksheet on an Excel file, via MATLAB. The x and y values (for the XY scatter plot), and the y estimates (for the linear regressoin line), are already saved on that specific worksheet of the Excel file (please see attachment). All I want to do now is to create an XY scatter plot and a linear regression line on a chart, on the same worksheet of the Excel file. With help from MATLAB Forum a couple of months ago, I wrote a MATLAB script (shown below). My script worked okay, with one exception. The x tick marks were not evenly spaced. It seemed that the x tick marks were determined by the actually x values, which were not evenly spaced. This resulted in a problem ==> The linear regression line did not appear as a straight line.
Is there a way that I can specify the x tick marks, so that the x tick marks are evenly spaced (within a minimum and a maximum values on the x axis)? so that the linear regression line will appear as a straight line?
I tried "myChartObject.Chart.Axes(1).Minimum", "myChartObject.Chart.Axes(1).Maximum", "myChartObject.Chart.Axes(1).XTicks", etc. However, none of them worked.
I think the fundamental issue that I am having now is that I do not know the correct syntax of the possible commands/methods/functions/properties of the Active-X objects in MATLAB that are specific for Excel chart and plot creations. If anyone can tell me where I can find those resources, I would greatly appreciate it.
For your review, the Excel file (with the x, y, and y estimate values) is also attached.
Here is my script.
% clear memory, clear Command Window
clear; clc;
% set file path and file name for an Excel file
filename = 'practice.xlsx';
fullpathToExcelFile = [pwd '\' filename];
% name the data sheet that I want to work on
sheetName = 'DataSheet';
% create an object of Active-X COM server for Excel application
excelApp = actxserver('Excel.Application'); % create an Active-X COM server for Excel application
excelApp.DisplayAlerts = false; % turn alerts off. So we don't get the message: "The file already exists. Do you want to replace it?" all the time.
excelApp.Visible = true; % make this Excel application visible, so we can see what happens
% check existence of an Excel file
myWorkBook = excelApp.workbooks.Open(fullpathToExcelFile); % open a workbooks object by using the specified filepath and filename. NOTE: Full path is required
% define my work sheet
workSheets = myWorkBook.Sheets;
myWorkSheet = workSheets.Item(sheetName);
% create an object of ChartObjects
myChartObject = myWorkSheet.ChartObjects.Add(150, 30, 400, 250);
% create an object of Chart.
myPlots = myChartObject.Chart;
myPlots.HasTitle = true;
myPlots.ChartTitle.Text = 'ECAP Growth Function';
% Set X-axis and Y-axis titles.
myChartObject.Chart.Axes(1).HasTitle = true; % X axis title
myChartObject.Chart.Axes(1).AxisTitle.Text = 'Stimulus Intensity (cu)';
myChartObject.Chart.Axes(2).HasTitle = true; % Y axis title
myChartObject.Chart.Axes(2).AxisTitle.Text = 'ECAP Amplitude (uV)';
% create an object of SeriesCollection (an XY plot for the raw data)
line1 = myPlots.SeriesCollection.NewSeries;
%myPlots.SeriesCollection.Item(1).XValue = myWorkSheet.Range('A2:A14');
myPlots.SeriesCollection.Item(1).Values = myWorkSheet.Range('B2:B14');
line1.ChartType = 'xlXYScatter';
line1.Name = 'raw data';
% create another object of SeriesCollection (a simple line for linear regression)
line2 = myPlots.SeriesCollection.NewSeries;
myPlots.SeriesCollection.Item(2).XValue = myWorkSheet.Range('A2:A14');
myPlots.SeriesCollection.Item(2).Values = myWorkSheet.Range('C2:C14');
line2.ChartType = 'xlLine';
line2.Name = 'linear regression';
% save and close Excel file
% quit and delete this Active-X COM Excel application object, and delete this object
Here is a snap shot of the chart on Excel that I have produced. (NOTE: The linear regression line does not appear as a straight line, because the x tick marks are determined by the actual x values that are not spaced evenly.)
  3 个评论
Fuh-Cherng 2019-1-6
Thanks a lot for the resource link. Greatly appreciated!!! I will spend some time and take a look of them.
I totally agree with you. Things would be much easier if I can simply bring the data to MATLAB and do all the work within MATLAB. The problem is that I am writing all these programming codes for my boss who is not programming-code savvy. My boss prefers that I generate results directly onto Excel files, so that she can see and access the resultant data directly from Excel. In order to make her happy and get my job done, I have to learn how to output a linear regression line on Excel, via MATLAB.
dpb 2019-1-6
Record a macro in Excel and decipher it, then, maybe your simplest route.
"My boss prefers..."
There's no accounting for st.... :(



Fuh-Cherng 2019-1-8
编辑:Fuh-Cherng 2019-1-8
Thank you SO MUCH for the advice. Greatly appreciated!!!
The macro in Excel helps me A LOT. This is exactly the resource that I was looking for.
Through macro in Excel (and your advice), I have found the correct syntax and revised my code accordingly. I am now able to specify x tick intervals manually.
By the way, the actual reason that the linear regresion line did not appear as a straight line, by using my previous code, was due to a different mistake. In my previous code, I mistakenly specified the ChartType of the regression line as 'xlLine'. It should be specified as 'xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers'.
Here is my revised code.
% clear memory, clear Command Window
clear; clc;
% set file path and file name for an Excel file
filename = 'practice.xlsx';
fullpathToExcelFile = [pwd '\' filename];
% name the data sheet that I want to work on
sheetName = 'DataSheet';
% create an object of Active-X COM server for Excel application
excelApp = actxserver('Excel.Application'); % create an Active-X COM server for Excel application
excelApp.DisplayAlerts = false; % turn alerts off. So we don't get the message: "The file already exists. Do you want to replace it?" all the time.
excelApp.Visible = true; % make this Excel application visible, so we can see what happens
% open Excel file
myWorkBook = excelApp.workbooks.Open(fullpathToExcelFile);
% define my work sheet
workSheets = myWorkBook.Sheets;
myWorkSheet = workSheets.Item(sheetName);
% create an object of ChartObjects
myChartObject = myWorkSheet.ChartObjects.Add(150, 30, 400, 250);
% create an object of Chart.
myPlots = myChartObject.Chart;
myPlots.HasTitle = true;
myPlots.ChartTitle.Text = 'ECAP Growth Function';
% Set x-axis and y-axis titles.
myChartObject.Chart.Axes(1).HasTitle = true; % x axis title
myChartObject.Chart.Axes(1).AxisTitle.Text = 'Stimulus Intensity (cu)';
myChartObject.Chart.Axes(2).HasTitle = true; % y axis title
myChartObject.Chart.Axes(2).AxisTitle.Text = 'ECAP Amplitude (uV)';
% create an object of SeriesCollection (an XY plot for the raw data)
line1 = myPlots.SeriesCollection.NewSeries;
line1.ChartType = 'xlXYScatter';
line1.Name = 'raw data';
myPlots.SeriesCollection.Item(1).XValue = myWorkSheet.Range('A2:A14');
myPlots.SeriesCollection.Item(1).Values = myWorkSheet.Range('B2:B14');
% create another object of SeriesCollection (a simple line for linear regression)
line2 = myPlots.SeriesCollection.NewSeries;
line2.ChartType = 'xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers';
line2.Name = 'linear regression';
myPlots.SeriesCollection.Item(2).XValue = myWorkSheet.Range('A2:A14');
myPlots.SeriesCollection.Item(2).Values = myWorkSheet.Range('C2:C14');
% specify x tick minimum, x tick maximum, and x major tick interval
myChartObject.Chart.Axes(1).MinimumScale = 165;
myChartObject.Chart.Axes(1).MaximumScale = 200;
myChartObject.Chart.Axes(1).MajorUnit = 5;
% save and close Excel file
% quit and delete this Active-X COM Excel application object, and delete this object

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