for loops and creating new vectors

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Any help with this is appreciated!
I have a matrix(mytable) that is a 128x3 double, mytable(:,1)=CO2, mytable(:,2)=year mytable(:,3)=month
I also have a matrix(k), that is a 12x2 double, k(:,1)=month, k(:,2)=diffCO2
When a value in mytable(:,3) is equal to k(:,1), I would like to take the value at mytable(:,1) - the value at k(:,2) and produce a new mytable(:,4) with the populated values.
  1 个评论
jahanzaib ahmad
jahanzaib ahmad 2019-1-26
please upload the data file . it will save my time to make data and write code .and thats the best way to get the answer .share ur code coz people like to help with code .



Stephen23 2019-1-26
编辑:Stephen23 2019-1-26
You don't need any loops, just use ismember:
>> mytable = [111,11,1;222,22,2;444,44,4;666,66,6;999,99,9]
mytable =
111 11 1
222 22 2
444 44 4
666 66 6
999 99 9
>> k = [2,2222;4,4444;7,7777;9,9999]
k =
2 2222
4 4444
7 7777
9 9999
>> [X,Y] = ismember(mytable(:,3),k(:,1));
>> mytable(X,4) = k(Y(X),2)
mytable =
111 11 1 0
222 22 2 2222
444 44 4 4444
666 66 6 0
999 99 9 9999

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