MATLAB does not have any direct way to create filled polar contour plots but from MATLAB R2024a, the "polarregion" function can be used as a workaround to programmatically create such plots. Do note that this approach is very graphically intensive. Here’s a documentation link to the "polarregion" function:
Here's the code I wrote for making the required plot:
close all;clear;clc
format short g
wazim = 0:4:360;
wincli = 0:1:90;
thetas = zeros(91);
radii = zeros(91);
mw_without_pw = importdata('MW WITHOUT POW.mat');
mw_on_pw = importdata('MW WITh POW amadei solution.mat');
for i = 1:length(wazim)
for j = 1:length(wincli)
if mw_without_pw(j,i) > mw_on_pw(j,i)
MW_FINAL(j,i) = mw_without_pw(j,i);
MW_FINAL(j,i) = mw_on_pw(j,i);
thetas(j,i) = wazim(i);
radii(j,i) = wincli(j);
n = numel(MW_FINAL);
cmap = turbo(n); %Creating a color map for data
%Mapping the data with the color map
cDataMap = (MW_FINAL - min(MW_FINAL,[], 'all'))/(max(MW_FINAL,[],'all')-min(MW_FINAL,[],'all')) * (n-1) + 1;
%Reshaping all data required for polarregion function
cDataMap = reshape(cDataMap,[8281,1]);
thetas = reshape(thetas,[8281,1]);
radii = reshape(radii,[8281,1]);
%Getting RGB values from color map using the mapped data
colorData = cmap(floor(cDataMap),:);
%Creating individual polar grid areas of the filled polar contour plot
pr = polarregion([(thetas-2),(thetas+2)]*pi/180,[(radii-0.5),(radii+0.5)]*pi/180,'FaceAlpha',1);
%Changing the color of each polarregion according to the color data
for i = 1:length(pr)
pr(i).FaceColor = colorData(i,:);
And here's the result: